Saturday, April 29, 2017

Free EA : Currency Strength with RSIOMA

Free EA : Currency Strength with RSIOMA

Saatnya berbagi EA gratis dari saya. ini EA buatan saya sendiri, EA ini berdasarkan indicator RSIOMA.

untuk cara bagaimana memasang EA ini dapat dilihat di link ini :



untuk menggunakan EA ini, broker anda harus memiliki pasangan 28 pair, yaitu USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, CHF, AUD, NZD dan JPY.
saran saya menggunakan broker FBS, Fxopen atau XM.

EA ini tidak akan melakukan open posisi otomatis, jadi harus tetap manual open trading. EA ini hanya membantu menganalisa mata uang mana yang sedang menguat dan melemah.

contoh berikut : (trading menggunakan Real Account)
Free EA currency strength for trading forex
EA Currency Strength

Penjelasan gambar :
1. Kiri atas = Indicator, warna merah berarti sedang melemah, sedangkan warna Hijau berarti sedang menguat. keluar semua TimeFrame (TF)
2. Kiri Bawah = sama dengan kiri atas, hanya saja ini yang TF-1. posisi sebelumnya. misalkan di D1, maka indicator yang ini adalah hari kemarin.
3. Tengah Atas = Sama dengan kiri atas, ini berisi informasi angkanya. (Minimal di 0 dan Maksimal di 100)
4. Tengah bawah = sama dengan kiri bawah, ini berisi informasi angkanya. (Minimal di 0 dan Maksimal di 100)
5. Kanan Atas = informasi untuk TF D1,
    Now = saat ini
    N-1 = kemarin
    N-2 = 2 hari yang lalu
    N-3 = 3 hari yang lalu dan seterusnya
6. Kanan Bawah = informasi untuk TF H4
    Now = saat ini
    N-1 = 4 jam yang lalu
    N-2 = 8 jam yang lalu
    N-3 = 12 jam yang lalu dan seterusnya

dari Gambar diatas maka saya akan buka posisi Buy di GBPNZD, karena kelihatan GBP sedang naik dan NZD sedang turun.
lihat hasil trading saya, saya sudah open posisi Buy GBPNZD dari tanggal 25 April 2017 sampai dengan saat ini belum di closed dan sudah mendapatkan +400 PIP lebih.
begitu juga dengan pair lain, yaitu NZDUSD dan NZDCHF, sudah profit +100 PIP lebih

Free EA currency strength for trading forex
EA Currency Strength

Bagi yang mau coba EA ini, silahkan di download disini :


Friday, April 28, 2017

Cara Memasang Robot Forex EA ke Metatrader

Cara Memasang Robot Forex EA ke Metatrader

Copy terlebih dahulu file Robot Forex EA yang ingin anda pasang, lalu beralih k Metatrader anda, lihat di pojok kiri atas ada panel “File” dan masuk ke menu “Open Data Folder”

EA Trading Forex
EA Forex
Setelah itu akan keluar tampilan Windows kira-kira seperti ini

EA Trading Forex
EA Forex
Kemudian masuk ke folder “MQL4” dan akan terbuka folder “Experts”
Di folder itulah kemudian copy-pastekan kan file Robot Forex EA anda
EA Trading Forex
EA Forex

Sampai pada proses ini, berarti Forex Robot EA anda sudah terpasang, lalu tutup halamannya dengan klik tanda “x” di pojok kanan atas
Kemudian kembali ke Metatrader anda kembali dan klik kiri menu “Expert Advisor” lalu klik kanan, kemudian klik “Refresh” seperti terlihat pada contoh gambar

EA Trading Forex
EA Forex
Akhirnya Robot Forex anda siap bertugas, selamat mencoba!

Cara pasang custom indikator

Ouo IO



Cara Memasang Custom Indikator di MetaTrader (MT4)

Cara Memasang Custom Indikator di MetaTrader (MT4)

Custom indikator adalah indikator yang dibuat oleh pengembang dan belum ada di software Metatrader (tidak bawaan asli dari Metatrader).
Bagaimana Cara Terbaru Memasang Custom Indikator ke MT4 ?
Nah untuk menambah indikator baru ke dalam Metatrader berikut panduan-nya:
1. Buka Platform Metatrader AndaKlik File Pada Pojok Kiri Atasdan Klik Pada OPEN DATA FOLDER (Lihat Gambar dibawah)
Indicator Forex for trading
Indicator Forex

2. Setelah Terbuka, Klik/Buka Folder MQL4
Indicator Forex for trading
Indicator Forex

3. Lalu Klik/Buka FOLDER Indicators
Indicator Forex for trading
Indicator Forex

4. Copy File custom indikator anda dan Paste-kan di Folder Indicators yang seperti gambar diatas. file indikator Cirinya adalah dengan extensien : *.mq4, *. ex4

Indicator Forex for trading
Indicator Forex

5. Buka Metatrader dan login ke metatrader, lalu indikator baru bisa dicari/ditemukan di Kiri Atas Masuk ke Menu Insert > Indicators > custom , Dan Klik/Pilih Custom indikator yang anda mau tampilkan ke dalam Chart Metatrader 4.

Indicator Forex for trading
Indicator Forex

Dan Berhasil.. Saat ini custom indikator anda sudah ada di dalam chart MT4 Anda.

Ini videonya =

Ichimoku Kinko Hyo

Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (English Version)

Ichimoku Kinko Hyo
This is a practical guide which will help you to use Ichimoku in your trading.
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo is a Japanese investing technique. It provides all – trading signals, resistance and support levels. It is very different from normal western techniques such as trading with moving averages, but after a while you should understand it easily. It was created around 50 years ago by Japanese journalist Goichi Hosoda. He started to work on Ichimoku before World War II. To the West, this technique is know from 90s, just like candles it was unknown for many decades.
First, let’s see how Ichimoku is build. Later we will check how it can be used in trading stocks and Forex.
Ichimoku components
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo is build from 5 averages (notice – these are different averages than standard moving average that you know):
·         Senkou Span A and Senkou Span B – area between them is called Kumo, or simply just Ichimoku cloud. This is a resistance and support area
·         Kijun-Sen – longer signal average
·         Tenkan-Sen – shorter signal average
·         Chikou Span – this average is shifted back by 26 periods
So when we put this together, we’ve got a ready investing system:
ichimoku components
ichimoku components

Time to learn more about each component.
Kumo (Ichimoku cloud)
Usually, we look for support or resistance right at moving average or support line. Ichimoku cloud is different – it is area of possible resistance or support. The thicker cloud is, the stronger resistance or support should be at this place. If cloud is thin, than possible support/resistance should be weak.
thin and thick ichimoku cloud
thin and thick ichimoku cloud

When price manage to break out or break down from cloud, then this is a strong signal to take position, because it happens rarely.
price break from cloud – examples
There is one more interesting thing about cloud. It is shifted forward, this part is called future kumo. When future kumo changes color from red to green, then there is a shift in sentiment.
Cloud has two colors – one (usually red) when the sentiment is bearish, and second (most often green) when sentiment is bullish.
future kumo and cloud colors
future kumo and cloud colors

Kijun Sen
It is longer average, based on 26 periods. Let’s compare Kijun Sen and 26 moving average:
kijun-sen vs. normal moving average
kijun-sen vs. normal moving average

As you can see, it acts different. From my experience, I can say that Kijun Sen itself is a good resistance/support level.

Tenkan Sen
It is shorter average. Based with Kijun Sen it gives signals to buy and sell (more on that later). When trend is strong, it can also act as support/resistance.

Chikou Span
Chikou Span is a close price shifted 26 periods back. It is little unclear, but this example should help us to understand that:

The main idea behind Chikou Span is that it helps to compare current price with price from 26 periods before. The end of Chikou Span is the current price close. Based on that we know if the current sentiment is bullish (Chikou Span above price) or bearish (Chikou Span below price). So this is another Ichimoku component which helps us to determine current sentiment, the previous one was Kumo.
Chikou Span as suport/resistance
Chikou Span is following current price and it has highs and lows because that is the way price move. We can use that points to draw support and resistance lines.
resistance lines based on chikou span
resistance lines based on chikou span

Is this better than standard support and resistance lines? To be honest, not so much. You can stick with standard support/resistance levels and you will be good. Just wanted to show you that this is another possible way of using Chikou Span.
Trading signals from Ichimoku
First, one thing need to be explained. Ichimoku Kinko Hyo gives you picture of current situation at markets. It also comes with sets of trading signals. That does not mean that you have to stick to these signals. You can use Ichimoku as a base to build your own trading system. That’s what I did and from what I know, many other traders.
Tenkan and Kijun Sen cross
This is a first signal we can take. When shorter average Tenkan crosses with Kijun from the bottom, then this is a buy signal. There are three types of buy signal: weak, medium, strong.
Weak buy signal – cross below cloud
weak buy signal
weak buy signal

Medium buy signal – cross inside cloud
medium buy signal
medium buy signal

Strong buy signal – cross above cloud
strong buy signal
strong buy signal
strong buy signal

That make sense. When buy signal occurs below cloud, that means that resistance area is above so sentiment is more bearish at the moment. When buy signal occurs above cloud, then sentiment is bullish, there is no strong resistance above.
Similar situation is with sell signal (signal to take short position). There are three types of sell signal: weak, medium, strong.
Weak sell signal – cross above cloud
weak sell signal
weak sell signal

Medium sell signal – cross inside cloud
medium sell signal
medium sell signal

Strong sell signal – cross below cloud
strong sell signal
strong sell signal

Confirmation from Chikou Span
When you take signals based on cross of Tenkan Sen and Kijun Sen, then you may want to wait for confirmation from Chikou Span. This is optional, and many traders do not use this that way.
Let’s say that there is a buy signal from Kijun and Tenkan Sen. Then we wait for confirmation from Chikou Span – so the moment when Chikou Span will cross the price.
Check following example:
confirmation from chikou span
confirmation from chikou span

Breakout from Ichimoku cloud
This is my favorite signal to take position. By now you know that cloud acts as a support when price is above Ichimoku cloud and as resistance when price is below cloud. It is not that often when price changes sides. When it happens, then it is a sign that there is a shift in sentiment.
When price is below cloud and it breaks up, then it is a signal to take long position.
break out from cloud
break out from cloud

When price is above cloud and it breaks down from the cloud, then it is signal to go short.
break down from cloud
break down from cloud

The good idea is to place stop loss on the other side of cloud. This signal may be very effective – check how it works on weekly time frame. Of course it works also on lower time frames.
Break above/below Kijun Sen
Another signal to take position. Kijun Sen is longer average and when price break above Kijun Sen, then this may be signal to buy.
kijun-sen – signal to go long
kijun-sen – signal to go long

When it breaks below Kijun, then this is a sell.
kijun-sen – signal to short
kijun-sen – signal to short

It is similar to normal averages – when price breaks above 50 or 200 moving average, then many traders go long.
When to close trade
Normally we close the trade when there is another cross of Kijun and Tenkan Sen:

You will notice fast that this signal is very slow. When the move ends, there is often strong sell off and you may lose most of your profit. Is there a better way?
I recommend three options:
·         Exit trade when price close on the other side of Kijun sen.
·         Exit trade when price closes below recent low (in an uptrend). So basically, you are rising your stop loss every time new low is made.
·         Join Ichimoku with oscillator and close based on signal from it.
Check examples to see how it works in practice.
Best time frame for Ichimoku
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo works on every time frame. In my opinion, on lower time frames Ichimoku is less accurate. It is because on lower time frames moves are more rapid. On lower times automated trading is very popular, but it affects the way price move. On the other hand it does not mean that there are no trends on lower time frames and where we have trends, there we can trade with Ichimoku.
You have to test what time frames works best for you. I have very good results with longer time frames, even as long as weekly and monthly. Let’s look at weekly Apple chart. We know now that Apple is in very strong uptrend since 2009, but it wasn’t that clear few years back. How does it look on weekly chart?
weekly Apple chart and ichimoku
weekly Apple chart and ichimoku

We can see that there was a breakout from cloud. In years 2006-1014 breakout from cloud took place only six times. If you followed this signal in 2009, you could make some serious money.
This is a good example that Ichimoku is great to catch big trends. On higher time frames situation is clearer, so it is a good idea to test what signals we can get from higher time frames.
Best market for Ichimoku
Same as with time frame, Ichimoku works on every kind of market. It does not matter if you trade stocks, Forex, or commodities. If you have a chart and you can spot trends, then it is a good place to try Ichimoku.
Examples below show different ways of trading with Ichimoku. Test it in practice and choose the best for you.
On daily SP500 chart we saw a break out from cloud. We took long position and placed stop loss below cloud. After some problems in the beginning, trends got stronger. We moved our stop loss below Kijun-sen. Decision is that we close trade as soon as there is a close below Kijun-Sen which happened in the end of February. Few days later there was a signal to reenter a trade – price moved back above Kijun-sen and there was a cross of Kijun-sen and Tenkan-sen. We took long position. Again, trade should be closed when price will close below Kijun-sen.
daily SP500 and ichimoku
daily SP500 and ichimoku

On this eurusd 5 minute chart we wait for Tenkan-sen and Kijun-sen cross. When it happened, it was time to take long position with tight stop loss right below recent low. We planned to close trade after another Tenkan and Kijun-sen cross which happened after nice move up.
5 minute eur/usd
5 minute eur/usd

3 Indikator Ampuh Untuk Trading Trend

3 Indikator Ampuh Untuk Trading Trend

Hasil Trading Saya =

3 Indikator Ampuh Untuk Trading Trend

Trending Market adalah keadaan dimana suatu harga pada umumnya bergerak dalam satu arah. Trend biasanya terbentuk oleh top harga yang lebih tinggi dari top sebelumnya (higher highs) dalam sebuah uptrend atau bottom harga yang lebih rendah dari bottom sebelumnya (higher lows) dalam downtrend.
Likuiditas sangatlah penting dalam sebuah strategi yang berbasis trend. Pasangan mata uang dengan likuiditas tinggi, akan dapat lebih banyak gerakannya (alias volatilitas) yang bisa kita harapkan. Selanjutnya, kita akan membahas lebih lanjut tentang situasi trend harga yang bisa diamati dengan indikator ADX, Simple Moving Average, dan Bollinger Bands.
Trading Trend Dengan ADX
Salah satu cara menentukan apakah saat ini pasar sedang trending atau tidak adalah dengan menggunakan indikator Average Directional Index (ADX) yang dikembangkan oleh J. Welles Wilder. Pada indikator ini, ia menggunakan urutan nilai mulai dari 0-100 untuk mengukur kekuatan harga yang sedang bergerak di satu arah.
Apabila terdapat sebuah angka dengan nilai yang lebih dari 25 maka biasanya menunjukkan harga sedang berada dalam tren yang kuat. Semakin tinggi levelnya, semakin kuat tren tersebut. Namun demikian, ADX merupakan indikator lagging yang tidak bisa selalu diandalkan untuk memprediksi masa depan. Selain itu, indikator ini juga bersifat non-directional, yang tidak bergerak mengikuti naik turun harga. Ini dikarenakan ADX mengukur kekuatan tren yang tentunya tidak bisa kita lihat secara kasat mata di chart.
Meski tren sedang turun sekalipun, ADX akan tetap naik ke level positif jika downtrend tersebut semakin menguat. Sebaliknya, apabila terdapat pelemahan pada uptrend, ADX akan bergerak menurun walaupun harga di chart mungkin masih tampak bergerak naik. Sebagai contoh, lihatlah grafik di bawah ini. Harga jelas mengalami downtrend, tapi ADX justru bergerak di atas level 25. Ini mengisyaratkan bahwa penurunan harga masihlah kuat.

Trading Trend Dengan MA
Jika anda bukan penggemar ADX, Anda juga dapat menggunakan Moving Average. Tempatkan Simple Moving Average (SMA) periode 7, periode 20, dan 65 pada grafik Anda. Lalu setelah itu, tunggu sampai ketiga garis SMA tersebut besilangan dan mulai menyebar. Jika SMA 7 periode keluar diatas SMA periode 20, dan SMA 20 di atas SMA 65, maka harga bisa dikonfirmasi sedang trending up.

Di sisi lain, jika SMA 7 ada di bawah SMA 20, dan SMA 20 juga lebih rendah dari SMA 65, maka dapat memperlihatkan kondisi trend harga yang sedang menurun.

Trading Trend Dengan Bollinger Bands
Salah satu media yang sering digunakan untuk mengukur volatilitas juga dapat membantu Anda dalam menemukan trend. Saat ini, kita sedang bicara mengenai Bollinger Bands, indikator volatilitas yang menggunakan pengukuran standard deviasi dan terdiri dari bands (garis-garis) yang membentuk channel-channel harga dinamis.
Berikut adalah grafik yang menjelaskan bagaimana kita dapat menggunakan Bollinger band untuk menentukan sebuah trend:

Anda bisa menempatkan Bollinger band dengan standar deviasi 1 dan 1 set band dengan standar deviasi 2. Maka anda akan melihat 2 set zona pada harga:
  • Zona Jual adalah daerah di antara dua band bawah standar deviasi 1 (SD 1) dan standar deviasi 2 (SD 2). Ingatlah untuk selalu mengkonfirmasi sinyal dengan menunggu hingga harga telah tertutup dalam area band.
  • Zona Beli ialah daerah antara dua band atas 1 SD dan 2 SD band. Seperti halnya prinsip pada zona jual, Anda perlu memastikan bahwa harga telah tertutup dalam area dua band di atas.
Bollinger band sebetulnya membuat anda lebih mudah untuk mengkonfirmasi sebuah trend secara visual, dimana downtrend dapat dikonfirmasi ketika harga berada di zona jual dan uptrend dapat dikonfirmasi ketika harga berada di zona beli.

Satu hal yang harus Anda ketahui tentang trend adalah bahwa mereka sebenarnya cukup langka. Berlawanan dengan apa yang anda mungkin pikirkan, porsi sideway adalah sekitar 70 hingga 80 persen dalam keseluruhan pergerakan harga, yang menyisakan kondisi trend terjadi hanya dalam persentase kemungkinan 20 sampai 30 persen.

Indikator Mana Yang Paling Menguntungkan